Sunday, February 7, 2010

What is your opinion on men who get manicures and moisturises?

...and seems to be more in touch with their ';feminine'; side than you are... I'm talking hetrosexual men. Gay guys I will forgive anything! :o)What is your opinion on men who get manicures and moisturises?
I like a MANLY MAN!!!!What is your opinion on men who get manicures and moisturises?
they want to be pampered and wants to feel good, just like women and nothing is wrong with that
I think men should get manicures regularly. I don't like cruddy looking fingernails and cuticles. They just need to have their nails trimmed and cleaned, especially if the hands are going to be on me at some point!
I think they want to take care of their bodies unless they obsess about it, I guess its ok
Who wants a man with cruddy nails and ashy skin? Take care of that mess.
I think it's ok as long as they don't obsess over their looks.
I think a man like that is comfortable enough with his sexuality to show a bit of his feminine side. Nothing wrong with that.
My Dad used to get manicures..which I thought was sorta feminine...but then again I hate ugly dirty unkept nails on men ----and I also hate it when they have rough dry hands or feet.
i think its cool, no problem with that. i like for a guy to have clean nails and soft hands and lotion their bodies up they wont be all ashy and shi* i dont want no rough *** hands toughing me.
metrosexuals..i know guys like that..they are pretty guys like brad pitt looking men...i find it disturbing and not a turn on at all..i like manly men ..very masculine is a must for me :))
Never met a man who did that and wasn't gay.?.?
Its ok. . .just as long as they are not obsessed with and have to go every week. An occasional manicure is ok. . .moisturizing. . .I don't know about that one. . .
Good for them. They take pride in their appearance. Manicures are going a tad too far I think though. Only if their nails are really bad, chipped, dirty, broken, etc. then perhaps a manicure would be good. I prefer big, masculine hands (but not dirty ones), not nicely refined male hands.
i like guys who take care of themselves,

but if he takes more care than i do...err, no.
I think guys should get over it and take care of themselves. It does not make them gay to get a manicure or moisturize their dry skin. I don't see how dried up flaky skin, with rough calloused hands and ragged nails makes you a manly man.
where the hell are those guys? i want one for myself, cause @ least he's gonna look hott, and he won't get mad @ me for my expenses tickets.
i think metro's are kinda wack , me i wouldn't do it in a million years but as diffrent strokes taught us the world don't move to the beat of just one drum
Pretty Boys who are either gay or curious

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